While Progressive Dental provides quality, personal care all year long, February is a great month to learn how you can improve your family’s dental health through preventive care.

Lifelong dental health begins with proper hygiene from a very young age. A child’s first 20 primary teeth are present in the gums at birth and an infant’s gums should be lightly wiped clean daily. Once teeth begin to show, parents should brush them gently with a child-sized toothbrush and fluoride toothpaste twice each day. The American Dental Association recommends scheduling a child’s first dental visit no later than his/her first birthday and continuing regular check-ups every six months.

Children who regularly visit the dentist and practice proper care at home are less likely to face discomfort from mouth problems. Additional preventive measures such as molar sealant and yearly x-rays can protect a child’s teeth and monitor any concerns before they become painful.

While some children may have aversions to visiting the dentist, most fears and anxiety can be avoided with educational presentations and interaction with a friendly dental staff. Showing children that visiting the dentist can be a positive experience can lead them to a life of clean teeth and healthy smiles.

Progressive Dental is dedicated to spreading awareness of dental hygiene and preventive procedures to children and families in our communities through school visits and family consultations. We pride ourselves on creating a welcoming, safe environment for our young patients and encourage first-time families to schedule a quick meet and greet with our staff to sooth any initial anxiety.

By providing the building blocks for positive dental health at a young age, parents can ensure their children will have happy, healthy smiles for years to come!